You want to provide your baby with the best food for their development without a ton of time in the kitchen.

But there’s a problem - you are finding so much conflicting information and you don't know which method is right for your family

Does This Sounds Familiar?

  • You’re conscious about the foods you eat and you want to do the same for your baby

  • You've followed all the baby feeding accounts on Instagram, but you don’t know how to pick which method is right for your family

  • You don’t want to spend all your time doing research and finding recipes online

  • You want your baby to eat what you eat but aren’t sure if that’s ideal for them

  • You want to give your baby the right foods to support long-term gut health


What If I Told You That you Could?

  • Have a baby who absolutely loves healthy food 

  • Raise your baby to be a toddler who isn’t limited by picky eating

  • Do most of your meal prep for your baby in 1 day a month with easy options to send to daycare

  • Follow easy meal plans that reduce the risk of food allergies and optimize gut health

  • Be confident in knowing how to serve finger foods so they aren’t choking risks

  • Know your baby is getting exactly what they need for lifelong health and avoiding common conditions related to inadequate nutrition

If you relate to any of that,  read on to see if  Real Food for Real Babies would be a good fit.

You're overwhelmed....

With all the different information...

at the thought of having to make baby food every day...

about introducing allergens to your baby...

You're ready for a method you can trust. An easy-to-follow system so you can stop all the googling.

You’re ready to learn more about how to feed your baby, but you don’t know if this method is right for your family. You’re asking yourself…

    • I already bought a baby recipe book, is that already enough to get me started?

    • Doesn’t my baby get everything they really need in the first year from breastmilk or formula?

    • My friend said Baby Led Weaning is the best, can I just give my baby whatever they are grabbing for?

    • Do I really want to give my baby foods that I wouldn’t eat, like liver, seaweed or sardines?

    • Do I really think I have time to take a course on this right now?

    There are a lot of questions and even more confusion around starting your baby on solids


    If you don’t have a plan to follow, you’re likely to serve bland baby foods, miss out on key nutrients your baby needs, and serve foods that your baby’s gut isn’t ready to digest.


    Without guidance and support, it can be a burden to sort through all of the misinformation from google, Facebook and even your pediatrician.


    That’s why I’ve created...

    You're overwhelmed....

    With all the different information...

    at the thought of having to make baby food every day...

    about introducing allergens to your baby...

    You're ready for a method you can trust. An easy-to-follow system so you can stop all the googling.

    You’re ready to learn more about how to feed your baby, but you don’t know if this method is right for your family. You’re asking yourself…

      • I already bought a baby recipe book, is that already enough to get me started?

      • Doesn’t my baby get everything they really need in the first year from breastmilk or formula?

      • My friend said Baby Led Weaning is the best, can I just give my baby whatever they are grabbing for?

      • Do I really want to give my baby foods that I wouldn’t eat, like liver, seaweed or sardines?

      • Do I really think I have time to take a course on this right now?

      There are a lot of questions and even more confusion around starting your baby on solids


      If you don’t have a plan to follow, you’re likely to serve bland baby foods, miss out on key nutrients your baby needs, and serve foods that your baby’s gut isn’t ready to digest.


      Without guidance and support, it can be a burden to sort through all of the misinformation from google, Facebook and even your pediatrician.


      That’s why I’ve created...

      Here's What Students Are Saying About

      The Real Food for Real Babies Course

      I am SO glad I invested in Michelle’s Real Food for Real Babies course. As a first time Mom, I was so nervous to start the feeding process. Michelle’s videos were simple, informative and made me excited to feed my daughter. I loved the sense of community with both Michelle and other moms. I highly recommend this course!


      I just finished the entire meal plan and I’m placing a large order for freezer containers and a lunch bag to prepare for starting daycare in 2 weeks.


      We are making a large batch of bone marrow pancakes, sweet chicken thigh purée and salmon purée for the freezer so lunches are ready to go. Then I will toss in one of those + a fruit + a veggie in the lunchbox each day.


      This is helping to keep me organized and give me a game plan for how to prepare foods in advance so I’m not having to think about making baby food every day! I'm surprised by how easy this all is. It's not an all or nothing meal plan, but I have great meals and ideas and options at the ready.



      Here's What Students Are Saying About

      The Real Food for Real Babies Course

      I am SO glad I invested in Michelle’s Real Food for Real Babies course. As a first time Mom, I was so nervous to start the feeding process. Michelle’s videos were simple, informative and made me excited to feed my daughter. I loved the sense of community with both Michelle and other moms. I highly recommend this course!


      The Real Food for Real Babies course really equipped us to be confident in feeding our baby. She was 4 months old when we started the course. And with Michelle's support, we decided to give our babies some solids before 6 months. It is so empowering as a parent to feel supported in making choices for your litle oe when there is so much information available these days. I love being able to ask questions in the monthly calls and the meal plans for reference.


      I just finished the entire meal plan and I’m placing a large order for freezer containers and a lunch bag to prepare for starting daycare in 2 weeks.


      We are making a large batch of bone marrow pancakes, sweet chicken thigh purée and salmon purée for the freezer so lunches are ready to go. Then I will toss in one of those + a fruit + a veggie in the lunchbox each day.


      This is helping to keep me organized and give me a game plan for how to prepare foods in advance so I’m not having to think about making baby food every day! I'm surprised by how easy this all is. It's not an all or nothing meal plan, but I have great meals and ideas and options at the ready.


       Going it Alone 

      • You’re overwhelmed and feel like you won’t be able to fit preparing solids into your day

      • You have looked up books and blogs, but it isn’t making you confident that you have everything covered

      • You’re frustrated your pediatrician is recommend supplements and cereals without giving you options for real food

       With my Guidance 

      • You know what recipes you are making each week and have food stocked in the freezer each month

      • You have dozens of video lessons with everything you need to know

      • You know when you might need to supplement nutrients in addition to real food before it becomes a problem

      • You know you are supporting your baby’s health and have research to back your approach

      Here's What You Get When You Join

      the Real Food for Real Babies Course

        Ready to make feeding your baby easy and fun?

        Join us in Real Food for Real Babies so you can start your baby out on exactly what they need without spending every day in the kitchen making baby food!


        Pay in Full

        • Real Food for Real Babies course modules ($129 value)​​

        • Monthly Meal plans for months 6-11

          (6 plans at a $37 value each)

        Payment Plan

        • Real Food for Real Babies course modules

          ($129 value)​​

        • Monthly Meal plans for months 6-11

          (6 plans at a $37 value each)

        What is the time commitment for Real Food for Real Babies?

        The course material is completely self-paced and all modules can be watched on your phone. It is recommended to spend about an hour a week for 5 weeks to get through all the materials.

        That said, there is no rush or wrong amount of time to finish the program, because you have lifetime access! This program has been designed to save you time.


        All of the meal plans can be put into use immediately and don’t require knowledge from the course modules, but the modules will deepen your understanding of the why behind the plans and recipes.

        Joining the course as early as possible will make you more prepared. Even if you have already started solids, there is so much information you will learn about health for the rest of your baby’s life:

        • Your baby will learn to love a variety of foods

        • You will avoid conflict with your child as they grow up because you won’t need to try to get them to eat more or eat different foods

        • You will know exactly what nutrients your baby needs and know how to get it from food and when to supplement

        • You will know what to look for in your baby’s poop to see it they are digesting properly or if they need a probiotic

        • Feeding your baby can be fun and easy!

        If you don't find information you can trust, it will only get harder to change course as your baby gets older. 


        6 months from now you'll wish you had started today!

        Is this program for me?

        ​​Here are 6 types of people Real Food for Real Babies is perfect for, so you can decide if it's a good fit.

        • You care a lot about your own health and want the same for your baby.

          You want to learn more about nutrition needs for babies and how to help your baby love healthy foods for life. 

        • You feel overwhelmed about all the information out there.

          There are so many methods out there, and you don't know what to follow for your baby.

        • Your family has experienced health problems and you want to do everything you can to keep your baby healthy.

          You have learned what you put in your body is so important, and you want to give your baby the best start from Day 1.

            • You've reviewed blogs and Instagram accounts, but you’re ready to have a plan done for you that you can take action on.

              You have an idea of what you want to do, but you want a program to follow and easy to implement meal plans.

            • You know Real Food for Real Babies would be helpful for you, but you haven’t started to implement the recommendations.

              You aren't sure what to make of some of the recommendations and don't know how to get started. You are ready if it can be made easier.

            • You have a young baby and haven’t done any research on baby feeding yet, and just want to make it easy on yourself.

              You want to know exactly what to feed your baby when the time comes. You want the support of a nutritionist so you can follow a plan you can trust.

            To sum it up: You don't need to do a lot of research or find 100 recipesYou just need easy-to-follow meal plans and support from a nutritionist to raise a healthy baby who loves a variety of foodsQuestions? 


            Email me at and I'll help you figure out if it's right for you!

            Real Food for Real Babies walks you through my step-by-step framework to start your babies on a lifetime journey of healthy eating, even if you don’t have time to make baby food every day or you don’t know which foods to start with.



            You can do this even if you're busy...

            I don't have enough time.

            Maybe you don't have a ton of
            time now, but that's why you
            need to join Real Food for
            Real Babies.

            Feeding your baby is coming
            whether you have time or not, so being prepared with recipes and meal plans will make it effortless.

            Each meal plan has a monthly prep day, so much of what your baby eats each month can be prepared and frozen in a day.

            I don't have enough money.

            When you implement the plans from this course, you will end up saving money.

            You will have a step-by-step plan to prepare food in bulk so there is less food waste.

            You will always have food in your freezer, so in a pinch, you turn there rather than to expensive pouches and premade baby food.

            I can figure this out on my own.

            You may have followed all the right accounts, but putting that into a step-by-step plan is no easy task.

            Real Food for Real Babies has it all done for you, and gives you all the support you need as your baby grows.

            This course is not just for feeding babies, it teaches about nutrition so you can be informed about food choices as your child grows



            You can do this even if you're busy...

            I don't have enough time.

            Maybe you don't have a ton of
            time now, but that's why you
            need to join Real Food for
            Real Babies.

            Feeding your baby is coming
            whether you have time or not, so being prepared with recipes and meal plans will make it effortless.

            Each meal plan has a monthly prep day, so much of what your baby eats each month can be prepared and frozen in a day.

            I don't have enough money.

            When you implement the plans from this course, you will end up saving money.

            You will have a step-by-step plan to prepare food in bulk so there is less food waste.

            You will always have food in your freezer, so in a pinch, you turn there rather than to expensive pouches and premade baby food.

            I can figure this out on my own.

            You may have followed all the right accounts, but putting that into a step-by-step plan is no easy task.

            Real Food for Real Babies has it all done for you, and gives you all the support you need as your baby grows.

            This course is not just for feeding babies, it teaches about nutrition so you can be informed about food choices as your child grows



            Ready to make feeding your baby easy and fun?

            Join us in Real Food for Real Babies so you can start your baby out on exactly what they need without spending every day in the kitchen making baby food!


            Here's More From Real Food for Real Babies Students

            The Real Food for Real Babies course came around at the perfect time. I'm a first time mom and had no clue where to start. This course gave me the confidence and guidance which I really needed! The course has a lot of good info and recipes to et you started. Thank you Michelle!


            I wanted to let you know that even though this is a baby feeding course, I’ve found it super helpful as an adult too! I’m now eating sauerkraut and yogurt when I use to hate those foods. I put sauerkraut, mashed avocado and an egg on sourdough for my breakfast every morning and it’s divine, then yogurt as a snack.


            And my baby is loving the sauerkraut and lovessss salmon!


            Michelle’s Real Food for Real Babies course has very simple to follow self-guided instructions, yet has a lot of flexibility built into the meal plans. With her 1:1 message support, she further individualizes the plan to meet my baby’s needs. The monthly Zoom calls allow you to be part of a community of parents going through the same course and is very beneficial to troubleshoot together. She is also a fabulous cheerleader; always encouraging me when things get tough. She’s a mom too, so she gets it!


            I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and have a passion for improving health through nutrition and lifestyle. I have my Bachelor’s in Statistics and my Master’s in Data Science and love digging into research.



            Starting in high school, I had health issues and went through the path of doctors and prescriptions to no avail. Doctors weren’t asking anything about what I ate or how I lived, and each symptom was considered completely separate and was treated by a different specialist. I was able to finally take control of my own health once I started changing my diet and working with practitioners that looked at my health holistically. As a kid, I didn’t learn how to enjoy healthy foods because vegetables were cooked very bland and were foods we were forced to eat so we could get dessert. Part of my health journey was becoming really restrictive to eat healthy, but then learning to cook and flavor foods in a way where I fell in love with how food could taste great and make me feel good.


            I created Real Food for Real Babies because I firmly believe every baby deserves the best possible opportunity for lifelong health. These early days make such a difference, and getting them on the right start is all possible with the right guidance and support. 



            I can't wait to see you make healthy eating for your baby easy and fun with Real Food for Real Babies!


            I'm Michelle and I'm a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner specializing in nutrition for babies during pregnancy, breastfeeding and starting solids.

            I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and have a passion for improving health through nutrition and lifestyle. I have my Bachelor’s in Statistics and my Master’s in Data Science and love digging into research.



            Starting in high school, I had health issues and went through the path of doctors and prescriptions to no avail. Doctors weren’t asking anything about what I ate or how I lived, and each symptom was considered completely separate and was treated by a different specialist. I was able to finally take control of my own health once I started changing my diet and working with practitioners that looked at my health holistically. As a kid, I didn’t learn how to enjoy healthy foods because vegetables were cooked very bland and were foods we were forced to eat so we could get dessert. Part of my health journey was becoming really restrictive to eat healthy, but then learning to cook and flavor foods in a way where I fell in love with how food could taste great and make me feel good.


            I am a mom to 4 year old Connor and 1 year old Ashlynn. When my husband and I started talking about having kids, I wanted to make sure I was doing everything possible to give them the best possible start. Nutritional deficiencies can cause so many issues and they are easy to prevent once you know what you need. The needs for babies are different than for adults, so I became obsessed with learning everything I could. While I can’t completely control my kid’s health, I know there is a lot I can do to give them the best chance at eating well, avoiding allergies and avoiding illness. But it was also important to me that my kids love eating the foods I give them rather than feeling deprived. Starting from their first bite, babies can learn to love a variety of foods and flavors.

            I created Real Food for Real Babies because I firmly believe every baby deserves the best possible opportunity for lifelong health. These early days make such a difference, and getting them on the right start is all possible with the right guidance and support. 



            I can't wait to see you make healthy eating for your baby easy and fun with Real Food for Real Babies!


            Frequently Asked Questions

            When does the program start and finish?

            Do you offer refunds?​

            Could I just find this information for free online?​

            What format is the content delivered in?​

            How long do I have access to the course?

            How much does it cost?

            Have a question about Real Food, Real Babies?

            Drop me a line, I'm here to help!


            © Copyrights by Michelle Tagge. All Rights Reserved.